“What can I do to make my website better for SEO purposes?“
That’s the question I often get from some clients. Although several factors can play an important role in the success of your website in search engines like Google and others, I’ll focus on one aspect that has been proven time and time again to be very effective.
I am referring to content. And when I say content, I am talking about fresh and unique content. Believe it or not, keeping your website updated regularly with fresh and unique content is very effective in attracting the search engines to visit your website regularly. One of the best ways to have post fresh content on your site regularly is to maintain a blog. Blog is much more than it used to be. Before, it was some type of personal online journal. Now, everyone is “blogging” about everything! It’s not only personal anymore, it has gone over to the business world. If you visit major sites on the web, you will notice that many of them maintain their own blogs. If big companies even use it, then this tells you how important having a blog is!
The truth is, search engines love blogs. They love blogs because it’s updated constantly. Compared to other types of sites, blogs are visited very frequently by search engine bots. In some sites I’ve worked on, the blogs have been picked up by the search engines literally by the next day! (disclaimer: this may not always be the case, but it worked more often than not). If not the next day, then at least by the end of the week — provided that the blog is updated daily with fresh content and the search engines are notified of it.
If you want to install a blog on your website, why don’t you contact me? I will install and configure the WordPress blog script on your server, and you’ll have your own blog running in no time. WordPress is one of the most popular blog platforms used worldwide, and it is updated regularly by developers to ensure stability and security for those that are using it. In fact, WordPress has become much more than a blog software. It’s now being used as a Content Management Software (CMS) — telling you how important it has really become.
Do you need someone to install WordPress on your hosting account? I’m just a click away!
Remember, when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), regular, fresh and unique content plays a very important role — no doubt about it!