Outdoor Survival Product Review: Acquapura Personal Water Filter Straw

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This is a perfect tool to keep in your backpack for any backpacking, camping, or hiking trips. Prepare for the unexpected situation — such as getting stranded, lost, or any other emergency — and give yourself what you need most to last physically until help arrives… Water!!

Acquapura Personal Water Filter Filtration Straw - Review

The tool that I am referring to that can help you in this process of having clean water available is the Acquapura Personal Water Filter Straw.

This water filter is so portable that it makes it perfect to put on your backpack in addition to any survival equipment you might want to bring along. It’s only 6-7 inches long and a little over an inch in diameter. To give you an idea of how portable this gadget is, I have shown a photo with the water filter on my hands (See below. By the way, I have small hands).

Review of Acquapura Personal Water Filter Filtration Straw

I think after looking at the photo, you would agree with me that this is really portable indeed!

When you unbox the package, you will see the following items included, as shown on photo.

Best Recommended Emergency Hiking Backpacking Camping Survival Water Filter Filtration Straw

The syringe that you see is for “cleaning” the device. This will all be explained in the included manual.

The filter “clean’s the water in 3 different stages as shown in the picture below:
Best Recommended Review of Acquapura Personal Water Filter Filtration Straw

It’s got a shelf life of 3 years (if unused) and can safely provide 1,500 liters of clean drinking water within a year, according to the manufacturers.

Note that this is not for hardcore use! In other words, don’t start using it everywhere like a straw for your regular daily drinking needs, or for the entire folks in your household. LOL. This doesn’t replace your home filter for regular daily use at home! But if you are going for an outdoor adventure trip, I would make sure that this was included in your gear. (Exception: I guess I’ll put an exception and say that if you are going to a 3rd-world country, this is good to bring for regular use during your trip, especially when unclean water is a concern. But before that, I’d recommend boiling water first, then using this for your outdoor trips in case use of it becomes necessary).

The Acquapura Personal Water Filter Straw is a life-saver, no doubt!

The Acquapura Personal Water Filter Straw is currently being offered at Amazon with a discount of 27 percent at the time of this writing.

Be prepared! Keep this handy on your next adventure trip!

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