Tired of the big bulky wallets that leave a huge bulge in your pocket? Tired of sitting on a big wallet that causes aches in your butt muscle? I know I did! And since using the Pragress Minimalist Money Clip Wallets by Creative Conceptions Inc, I’m not looking back!
I have resigned out of the big bulky wallets for some time now, with a pocket clip wallet that I thought was decent. Even that one started to get bulky, and I especially didn’t like the bulge from the money clip portion of that wallet. Well, now that I have tried the minimalist wallets offered by Pragres, I am resigning out of that one too and staying with Pragres until a better one comes along my way! LOL.
Unlike traditional wallets, the Pragres blends in almost perfectly on your pockets without the noticeable bulge. The Pragres wallet even fits into the sewn-in section of my pocket that is mean to hold small change. That’s nice!
There are a couple of Pragres (pronounced “progress”) minimalist wallets to choose from, all of which arrive contained in a very nice box. The basic concept is a band or strap that loops around a main “base” and holds your cards/cash.
Pragres Aluminum Minimalist Money Clip Wallet

First is the Pragres Aluminum Minimalist Money Clip Wallet. As the name implies, this wallet is made out of aluminum, which should equate to longevity of the wallet. The appearance and design is simplistic and minimalistic, yet functional indeed. This wallet even features a bottle opener — which is incorporated into the design and located on one of the ends of the wallet.
The aluminum “base” makes it strong and durable. If you like that stainless steel look, this aluminum wallet will work great!
Here is what it looks like from the side so you can get an idea of the thickness of this wallet…
This thickness is due to the use of the other side, which has a “container” to hold your cards and cash. Now, don’t be fooled when I say “thickness” — this is considerably very thin compared to the traditional wallet!
Here is the Pragres Aluminum Minimalist Money Clip Wallet with cash and 4 cards. As you can see, it holds all of them without any problem. And if you look more closely at the photo below, you can see that there’s still more space to put in additional cards or cash! Love it!
Pragres Carbon Fiber Minimalist Money Clip Wallet
Now that’s not the only Pragres wallet that is available. The other option to consider is the Pragres Carbon Fiber Minimalist Money Clip Wallet, which — as the name implies– is made of a carbon fiber base. As if the aluminum version is not minimalistic enough, the Pragress Carbon Fiber Wallet goes even smaller! In case you need to look at the sizing difference, go back up to the top of this page and you’ll see. (Don’t forget to scroll back down here! LOL!)
The Pragres Carbon Fiber Minimalist Wallet also comes with a nice box packaging, which makes it perfect as a gift for someone. It comes with 3 bands of different colors and design, which is really a BONUS to have, if you ask me: red, gray, and black. You can change it around as needed. The added bands also is useful as a replacement when one of them starts getting loose after expected wear-and-tear. (Note that the aluminum version only comes with 1 band/loop)
Pick one of the bands…
… and loop it around and you’re all set! It’s that simple really!
The Pragress Carbon Fiber Minimalist Money Clip Wallet is as thick as 2 credit cards stacked together (I tried stacking 3 credit cards, which was close, but not quite as thick). Here is a side view with 2 credit cards on one side + cash, and a driver’s license and insurance card on the other side. It takes minimal space indeed!
Here’s a view from the top. The other side contains my driver’s license and insurance card information. I didn’t take a photo of that for personal security reasons. LOL.
It is also strong and durable as the aluminum. At first, I thought it would be flexible, but when I tried to bend the carbon fiber base with my hands, I couldn’t. That’s good, because this one also features a bottle opener on one end. It’s strong enough to pop open a bottle cap.
Of the two, I personally prefer to use the Pragres Carbon Fiber because it seems lighter and won’t set off a metal detector as the aluminum version might. It is also less a little smaller than the aluminum version, so I prefer to go even more minimalistic if I could. Here’s a sideview of both of them together, for your reference:
Now having said the above preference, I just want to make sure that you understand that both options are great! I recommend any of these Pragres minimalist wallets if you are looking to “downsize” your traditional wallet.
– Pragres Aluminum Minimalist Money Clip Wallet
– Pragres Carbon Fiber Minimalist Money Clip Wallet