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Our Computer Repair Shop is located on Jefferson Street in Louisville, KY. We are NOT ALWAYS staffed so it’s best to call first. You can call us anytime to talk about your computer repair, laptop repair or computer service issue. If you are a business owner and discover your technology is down we understand you might not be able to close your business and will be available to help anytime including weekends and holidays. If you would like to call for an initial consultation we might be able to give you some sort of idea of what your options are on the phone. Sometimes, full diagnostics are required to determine what is wrong with a computer and give an idea of what it might cost to do a repair. Sometimes it is necessary to actually take a machine apart to get an idea of what is wrong. In this instance you will have to leave your computer or call in a pick-up. One of our professional technicians will pick your machine up and give you a signed pick-up receipt. We will call you and give you an estimate before we begin any repair.
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