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Learn more about RepairShopr iYogi Scam BUSTED 2016 Contact Us: View All Open Box A Plus Computer Tech is a computer repair company serving the entire Seattle metro area. We have local brick-and-mortar storefronts open 7 days a week where you can bring your computer, and technicians ready to go if you need on-site service. View All Devices iPod Repair Thursday: 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM Our People More viruses, spy-ware, and mal-ware removal Fitchburg State University, 160 Pearl St., Fitchburg MA 01420-2697 (978) 665-3000 William Scott Contact KPC Used & Refurbished Computers Answers Improve WiFi Range Even if you are technically literate and you have all the prevention software,  McAfee for a virus killer and a physical or software firewall, you are still likely to get infected at some point.  So how do they slip by all your protection software and infect your systems?  Quite simply, you let them in somehow.  Chances are that it was though free software you downloaded at some point. 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